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Welcome to! This is the official website of Juliana Jacobs Grant.

There are books to get here and also inspirational posts on topics that border the Christian journey.

Juliana Jacobs Grant is an author with a number of good books under her belt. She has written books like: Science & Bible Converge, Pure Joy, The Slap, Comfort My People and the Joy of Salvation. You can find them on this site that provides a quick link to purchase.

Juliana is a Pastor and Evangelist. She was systems senior engineer of Parkland Health and Hospital Systems for 10 years. She is also an entrepreneur who owns and manages many businesses.

She has been serving God as a Pastor and doing the work of God for a while now. She believes that the world lacks the vision and purpose for the creation of humans and also their functions, and she is not far from the truth.

The bible teaches us the heart of God for the creation of man. Man was made to serve and worship God. The whole of creation was made for his pleasure and glory. It therefore becomes a sad situation when men lose this vision of the purpose for which they were created.

Man was made not only to know and worship God in love, but also to be an extension of this love to the fellow man. This has all been corrupted and forgotten as the love of many who have been blinded by the prince of this world has grown cold.

The things that were and are supposed to be no longer are. People have totally lost sight of God and have shoved his love under the rug like a worthless property.

It grieves the heart of God that men should become so lost and engrossed in the darkness of this world and its workings.

The Son of God was sent by God as the ultimate letter of God’s love and mercy to the world. God does not love sin, but he loves the sinner (the people in the world who have not known his love). The main theme of the verse that explains this sacrifice in totality is “love”. The love of God that is overwhelming and inexplainable.

“For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

  • John 3:16 NKJV

The immeasurable love of God appeared to all men, to all creatures to tell them of their Father in heaven. The bible says no one has ever seen God, but we saw Jesus who is the express image of God. He loves as God, he teaches as God, he behaves as God would on any day, and so when he says he loves us, then we know that God loves us as well.

The books you find here are books that will build up your faith and teach you how to navigate the world as a Christian in the twenty-first century.

Things have changed and largely so, but the word of God never changes. Though our methods may change in order to move along with the people that we want to show the love of Christ, the message and standards of God will never change.

Nowadays, we have the internet where there are tons of social networks where people can meet and relate. While some people may use it to promote the dead works of the flesh, our mandate is different; we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus and so we use every medium to declare the gospel of Christ.

We must seek out new ways to reach the lost, for example, in the time of Jesus and the early Church, even many centuries on, the gospel had to be spoken physically by word of mouth, or was written on letters and sent across nations. These days due to the improvement in technology, we can send messages in the twinkle of an eye across borders and territories, either by television broadcasts, electronic books, and social media posts. In addition, transportation has become a lot faster than it used to be; journeys that took days and even months to finish in the past now take only a maximum number of hours to complete.

These are good developments that we can harness in reaching the world with the love of Christ.

There are also many, in fact, millions of good, wonderful spiritual books that have been written by people who were led by God.

Fortunately, we are blessed to have some of these books here for you. They teach you the love of God and how to live this love and also impact others with it.

For the words of God are life and are a blessing to all that find them.


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i Welcome you all to my Online Journal

I welcome you to my online journal! You’re here in the right place where we talk about the truths of God’s kingdom that make our lives better day by day. This ministry is all about Jesus and His heavenly kingdom – and how it relates to us. It is my sincere desire that as many people as possible would come to know Jesus and His great love, power, wisdom and glory – and to this end, I will be putting up amazing and revelational posts here and I really do hope that you will be blessed and edified as you read them.

God has through His Spirit done a lot through me but no title is better than what the Holy Spirit did when He made me God’s ambassador, His go-to girl. So, every now and then as God’s Spirit inspires me, I will also be putting up posts on some of the things the Lord has done through me and in my life.

Please expect to be taught of the Lord as you read!

The power of repentance on emotional distress.

Isaiah 57:15 “For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”

Repentance is an act that has weighty implications on your spiritual life. It seems like an ordinary word, but I want you to know that it’s very act is so powerful that it has real impact and effects in the spirit realm and also your mind. God says He only dwells with him who has a contrite spirit. The word contrite means; feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming. To be contrite means to be repentant of a wrongdoing.

How to repent

The proper way to repent and be contrite is to talk to God by yourself. While it’s not a bad idea to talk to a friend, counsellor or a loved one, that is not repentance. Confessing your faults to a friend is not repentance. Confessing your sins to a parish priest or pastor is not repentance. And you don’t need an intermediary between you and God in order to repent! Here’s what you need to do, and let it be from the depths of your heart; You reach out to the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world and tell Him you’re sorry for your sins, mistakes, disobedience and wrongdoings. 1 John 1:7 ‘But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.‘ You ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you with His precious blood, then you ask Him to give you grace never to repeat that sin or mistake again. Yes, you also need to ask Him to give you strength to overcome whenever the enemy wants to tempt you in that particular area of sin or weakness you just repented of. Jesus Himself is your Advocate, and not your best friend, parish priest or pastor (See 1 John 2:1).

When to repent

Repentance is not an act you do only when you got saved and accepted Jesus into your heart and life. Rather, it is something you do as much as required. You see, in this life, there are many snares and temptations that the enemy (and the worldly system he rules) throws on the paths of God’s children, and at times, God’s children fall for it. That is one of the reasons why repentance is a continuous practice.

1) You repent every time you sin, err, or make a mistake. You are prone to mistakes often. You know, the Bible commands you to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (See Galatians 5:16). There are times you’re not watchful and the flesh kind of slips up on you! But at such times, the Lord expects you to repent, get up and move on!

2) You repent whenever you are disobedient to God. Many times, God’s children disobey His instructions, either deliberately or because of the cares and busyness of life. The devil, who is the spirit of disobedience (see Ephesians 2:2) also causes God’s children to disobey Him at times, and he achieves this by offering them a ‘seemingly better way’ which always ends up in trouble and affliction… The way out of such a situation is repentance!

3) You repent every time the Holy Spirit convicts you. There are times you’re wrong without knowing it. You miss it in this area or that area and you just don’t know that you’ve grieved the Spirit of God. He then begins to move in your heart and starts to stir your conscience. You begin to feel unrest in your heart, you seem to hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart trying to get your notice and attention to a particular issue… That is the Holy Spirit convicting you, and your proper response is to find out from Him where you’re wrong and then repent immediately!

Two (2) Fruits of repentance

Matthew 3:8 ”Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance”.

Repentance is humbling yourself before God, acknowledging His mercy and grace! That is why it is written that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (see James 4:6)

If you humble yourself before God, you will have His grace and mercy manifesting in your life, and these fruits of repentance will be yours!

1) Repentance brings emotional peace and rest! This is a wonderful thing. Every time you turn away from sin, mistakes, or disobedience, one of the first things the Lord does is that He fills your heart and mind with His peace! A supernatural peace, that improves your total wellbeing. Divine peace, that protects your mind and emotions with a God-backed assurance. Philippians 4:7 “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

The peace of God is divine and it gives total rest and calmness to the mind and emotions, it kicks out troubles, anxiety, fear, and emotional stress.

John 14:27 ” Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

2) Repentance shuts the door against the enemy! Yes, you might wonder how true this is… But I assure you, it is absolutely true. Remember, God is always drawn to the humble and contrite of heart according to His word in Isaiah 57:15 “…I dwell with him who has a contrite and humble spirit”.

When you repent before God, the door through which the enemy has been coming in to cause emotional distress and troubles is shut against his face! Repentance brings God in and takes the devil out. It deprives satan of any legal ground and in turn gives you the legal right to confront the devil and command him to take his hands off your mind and emotions!

Learn to do these things and experience the supernatural peace of God!

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